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BLE Peripheral disconnects when navigating to different ViewController

I am working on BLE iOS (Swift) application which has multiple ViewControllers. The main ViewController has a button which navigates to TableViewController which has detected BLE devices to connect with. But when I return back to main or another view the peripheral device disconnects. I tried to pass peripheral from TableViewController to main ViewController but still, it disconnects.


var bleManager: BLEManager!
var peripheral: CBPeripheral!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    bleManager = BLEManager()

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    if let peripheral = self.peripheral {
        do {
            print("Value from display = \(peripheral.state)")

func setPeripheral(sent: CBPeripheral) {
    self.peripheral = sent

@IBAction func manageDevice(sender: UIButton)
    // 1. Instantiate TableViewController
    let tableViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TableViewController") as! TableViewController

    // 2. Set self as a value to delegate
    tableViewController.delegate = self

    // 3. Push SecondViewController
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(tableViewController, animated: true)

How to continue BLE activities onto next view controller


  • Create a Singleton class and add bleManager and peripheral properties there:

    class Shared { 
        private init(){ } 
        static let instance = Shared()
        var bleManager: BLEManager!
        var peripheral: CBPeripheral! 

    And you can access the same instance through different controllers:

    Shared.instance.bleManager = BLEManager()