I'm using carrierwave for upload images. And I saw how to configuring file permissions like this:
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
config.permissions = 0666
config.directory_permissions = 0777
config.storage = :file
But I don't understand what is this permissions. Can anybody help me with this question? And I'm doing a post with an attachment for an image. So is a problem of security to upload the images on the public folder? Because i'm using restrictions with the gem Pundit for restrict the access to the Posts. But I notice who anyone with the link can see the image(post.attachment). What I need to do for restrict completely the access? Can anyone help me with this? I will appreciate!
is UNIX shorthand for something with read/write/execute turned on, something that means the directory is public.
is shorthand for read/write, meaning the files are able to be read and modified by anyone.
These values are in octal because of the leading 0
, something that makes it easier to express specific bit patterns.