I have a csv file that has two columns, date and float, the date format is weird though (Jan 1 2016 9:55:00 PM), how can I import it to matlab and draw it as a plot? this is what i tried:
fid = fopen('all.csv');
if fid>0
data = textscan(fid,'%s %d','Delimiter',',');
% close the file
x = data(:,1);
y = data(:,2);
but i get an error not enough arguments
Sample of all.csv:
Jan 1 2016 9:55:00 PM, 12493829,
Jan 2 2016 7:55:00 AM, 83747283,
Jan 3 2016 2:55:00 PM, 89572948,
Jan 4 2016 8:55:00 AM, 95862744,
the error:
Error using plot
Not enough input arguments.
Error in test (line 10)
The error appears since you're inputting cell arrays in the plot
x = data{:,1}; %You need { } here, not ()
y = data{:,2};
plot(1:numel(x), y, 'o-');
%Ensuring the xticks are as required and changing the xticklabels to datetime values and
%rotating the labels for better visualisation ('xticklabelrotation' requires >= R2014b)