I'm developing some logic to compile all my classes and triggers in my org automatically every day. I found the following documentation to do it but when I tried running a simple command in the Execute Anonymous Window, I got the error below. Does anyone know why I'm having this error and how to get this working?
ApexClass Class
// Fails on this line with the error image below
List<CompileClassResult> r = new List<CompileClassResult>();
// Get a single Class to test with
ApexClass tempClass = ([SELECT Body FROM ApexClass LIMIT 1]);
// Example code from the Sandbox Class documentation
try {
r = apexBinding.compileClasses(new String[]{tempClass.Body});
} catch (RemoteException e) {
System.out.println('An unexpected error occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// Show Results
for(CompileClassResult tempResult : r)
if (!tempResult.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println('Couldnt compile class p1 because: ' + tempResult.getProblem());
These methods and objects are part of SOAP API and are not available from native apex. Hence you are seeing the error. You can move your logic to Java application as illustrated in the example in the documentation. The snippet you have pasted is Java code.:)
For more info on Getting started with SOAP API https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_quickstart_steps.htm