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How do i get the tail from the recursive function which is building a list of results?

Currently the following code is returning a list from 2-10 when i pass the number 2. I don't want it to return first element 2 in the list.

boot.user=> (defn hierarchy [num]
#_=>   (when num
#_=>     (lazy-seq (cons num (hierarchy (#(when (< % 10) (inc %)) num))))))

boot.user=> (hierarchy 2)
(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

Expected result is

(3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

I know if i call the rest function i will get the tail but i couldn't think of a better refactor of this function to give me back only tail.


  • first of all i would rewrite your function this way for the sake of readability:

    (defn hierarchy [num]
      (when (< num 10)
        (lazy-seq (cons num (hierarchy (inc num))))))
    user> (hierarchy 3)
    ;;=> (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

    then you could abstract the recursion to the inner function, while the outer would do the first increment:

    (defn hierarchy [num]
      (letfn [(h-inner [num] (when (< num 10)
                               (lazy-seq (cons num (h-inner (inc num))))))]
        (h-inner (inc num))))
    user> (hierarchy 3)
    ;;=> (4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

    also this task is best solved with range or maybe iterate, but i guess it is an educational example to practice the recursion.