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Duplicate row based in column value

Please I need to duplicate row when having multiple values in one column. Exemple :

A  B  12  I76J-I76H=>
A  B  12  I76J
A  B  12  I76H

Thank you .


  • Credit where credit is due big thanks to user @RichardTheKiwi for providing the majority of the code HERE

    Anyway here is the code. If you want to change the sql so that it doesn't separate based upon - just replace all - with the char of you choice.

    Creating the table:

        create table Testdata(Data1 varchar(50), Data2 varchar(50), Data3 int, Data4 varchar(max))
        insert Testdata select 'A', 'E', '9', 'I76J-I76H-I76I-I76G'
        insert Testdata select 'B', 'F', '8', 'I76J-I76H-I76I'
        insert Testdata select 'C', 'G', '7', 'I76J-I76H'
        insert Testdata select 'D', 'H', '6', 'I76J'

    Now updating the original table TestData

    ;with tmp(Data1, Data2, Data3, DataItem, Data4) as (
    select Data1, Data2, Data3, LEFT(Data4, CHARINDEX('-',Data4+'-')-1),
        STUFF(Data4, 1, CHARINDEX('-',Data4+'-'), '')
    from Testdata
    union all
    select Data1, Data2, Data3, LEFT(Data4, CHARINDEX('-',Data4+'-')-1),
        STUFF(Data4, 1, CHARINDEX('-',Data4+'-'), '')
    from tmp
    where Data4 > ''
    INSERT INTO Testdata
    select Data1, Data2, Data3, DataItem AS Data4
    from tmp
    order by Data1
    DELETE FROM Testdata
    where Data4 like '%-%'
    select * FROM TESTDATA