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Parallel random numbers julia

Consider the basic iteration to generate N random numbers and save them in an array (assume either that we are not interested in array comprehensions and also that we don't know the calling rand(N))

function random_numbers(N::Int)
array = zeros(N)
for i in 1:N
    array[i] = rand()

I am interested in a similar function that takes advantage of the cores of my laptop to generate the same array. I have checked this nice blog where the macros @everywhere, @spawn and @parallel are introduced but there the calculation is carried out "on-the-fly" and an array is not needed to save the data.

I have the impression that this is very basic and can be done easily using perhaps the function pmap but I am unfamiliar with parallel computing.

My aim is to apply this method to a function that I have built to generate random numbers drawn from an unusual distribution.


  • As suggested in the comment more clarification in the question is always welcome. However, it seems pmap will do what is required. The relevant documentation is here.

    The following is a an example. Note, the time spent in the pmap method is half of the regular map. With 16 cores, the situation might be substantially better:

    julia> addprocs(2)
    2-element Array{Int64,1}:
    julia> @everywhere long_rand() = foldl(+,0,(randn() for i=1:10_000_000))
    julia> long_rand()
    julia> @time map(x->long_rand(), zeros(10,10))
      8.455930 seconds (204.89 k allocations: 11.069 MiB)
    10×10 Array{Float64,2}:
    julia> @time pmap(x->long_rand(), zeros(10,10));
      6.125479 seconds (773.08 k allocations: 42.242 MiB, 0.25% gc time)
    julia> @time pmap(x->long_rand(), zeros(10,10))
      4.609745 seconds (20.99 k allocations: 954.991 KiB)
    10×10 Array{Float64,2}: