I need to update this hash with as many items as the user wants. And I have a problem with updating it. It only shows the last input from user.
For example in i = 2, the hash will only show the second key and value added, and I want both. Or if i = 3 i need all three inputs.
puts "how may items to add in hash?"
for i in 1..i
puts "add key"
key = gets.chomp
puts "add value"
value = gets.chomp.to_f.round(2)
project = Hash.new()
project = {key => value}
project.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key} \t - \t #{value}%"
Anyone that can help?
Just move your variable initialization our of the loop. Right now you rewrite your project with blank hash on each iteration. That's why it stores only the last item. Here is your possible code:
puts "how may items to add in hash?"
project = {}
for i in 1..i
puts "add key"
key = gets.chomp
puts "add value"
value = gets.chomp.to_f.round(2)
project[key] = value
project.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key} \t - \t #{value}%"
PS: Prefer {}
over Hash.new()