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How to change width for container dynamically in iOS (Objective-C)

I am loading some HTML, Java script code into my iOS application. Its working fine, but, according to device height, I should have to change the animation size (width), I tried following code, but, I am very new to javascript calling into iOS.

my html page code of java script is

         var $ios9 = document.getElementById('container-ios9');
         var SW9 = new Wave9({
                                 width: 800,
                                 height: 40,
                                 container: $ios9,

and I am calling into native code as

if (self.view.frame.size.width <= 400) {
[_animationWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById('container-ios9').width = 500"];
else {
    [_animationWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById('container-ios9').width = 700"];

The above code is not changing the width, So, Can anyone suggest me, how to fix this. Thanks!


  • After lot of R & D, I fixed the issue by myself. I am posting this answer here, It will help someone future.

    In HTML file, Java script code,

                 if (window.screen.width <= 400) {
             var $ios9 = document.getElementById('container-ios9');
             var SW9 = new Wave9({
                                     width: 800,
                                     height: 40,
                                     container: $ios9,
    } else {
    //other devices