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Find all partitions of a plane created by a set of lines

I have a set of lines (linear functions of the form y = mx + b) (120 of them!) and if I graph them all, then they partition the R^2 plane. The lines do not necessarily go through the origin.

What is the most efficient way to find all partitions created by a set of such lines? Personally, I'm having a hard time coming up with any way at all, let alone an efficient one. To be more clear, I include the following image of just 4 lines:ste of lines

An example of a partition would be the set {(x,y)| -30x+28<= y && 60x+2 <= y <= 90x+7} , which is the partition created by the red, yellow and green lines in the first quadrant. Another example would be {(x,y)|y <= -30x+28 && 5x+3 <= y <= 60x+2}, which is the triangle in the first quadrant that is bounded by the blue, red and green lines.

An example of a non partition would be {(x,y)|5x+3 <= y <= -30x+28}, which is the set bounded by the green line above and the blue line below. This is not a partition because there are several partitions contained within it (like the second set above, for instance), or overlapping it. The set {(x,y)|5x+3 <= y <= -30x+28 && 90x+7 <= y}, however, would be a partition.

The desired output would be a complete list of such sets: {(x,y)|y <= -30x+28 && 5x+3 <= y <= 60x+2},{(x,y)| -30x+28<= y && 60x+2 <= y <= 90x+7}... etc. They don't have to be given in this notation, of course.

I'm not sure how to approach this problem, and so, unfortunately, can't provide much in the way of what I have tried. Ideally, I would like to do this in R, Python, Mathematica or MATLAB, but I'm open to any option at this point.

EDIT: Since there seems to be an issue with notation, I'll clarify a bit. It is sufficient to simply get a list of conditions on points, such that all points meeting that condition would exactly define a partition. For example, a long list of intersections, would be fine: y <= 5x+3 && y >= 90x+7 && y<= -30x+28 is perfectly good output defining a partition. The desired output, of course, is a complete list of such partitions (as defined above).


  • Here is a solution in Mathematica. The method involves finding the line intersection points, the line fragments and then the partitions, while keeping track of which lines the points are connected to.

    y[1] = 5 x + 3;
    y[2] = 90 x + 7;
    y[3] = -30 x + 28;
    y[4] = 60 x + 2;
    findpoints[n_] := Module[{},
      xp = DeleteCases[{{First[#1], First[#2]},
           Solve[Last[#1] == Last[#2], x]} & @@@
          Tuples[Array[{#, y[#]} &, n], 2],
          {{x_, _}, {x_, _}}], {_, {}}];
      yp = y[#[[1, 1]]] /. #[[2, 1]] & /@ xp;
      MapThread[{#1, {#2, #3}} &,
       {xp[[All, 1]], xp[[All, 2, 1, 1, 2]], yp}]]
    xyp = findpoints[4];
    {xmin, xmax} = Through[{Min, Max}@
        xyp[[All, 2, 1]]] + {-0.7, 0.7};
    outers = Flatten[Array[Function[n,
         MapThread[List[{{n, 0}, {##}}] &,
          {{xmin, xmax}, y[n] /.
        List /@ Thread[x -> {xmin, xmax}]}]], 4], 2];
    xyp = Join[outers, xyp];
    findlines[p_] := Module[{},
      pt = DeleteCases[
        Cases[xyp, {{p[[1, 1]], _}, _}], p];
      n = First@Cases[pt,
         {_, First@Nearest[Last /@ pt, Last[p]]}];
      {{First[p], First[n]}, {Last[p], Last[n]}}]
    lines = Map[findlines, xyp];
    (* boundary lines *)
    {ymin, ymax} = Through[{Min, Max}@outers[[All, 2, 2]]];
    {lbtm, rbtm, ltop, rtop} = {{xmin, ymin},
       {xmax, ymin}, {xmin, ymax}, {xmax, ymax}};
    xminlines = Partition[Union@Join[{ymin, ymax},
          Cases[xyp, {_, {xmin, _}}][[All, 2, 2]]], 2, 1] /.
       x_Real :> {xmin, x};
    xmaxlines = Partition[Union@Join[{ymin, ymax},
          Cases[xyp, {_, {xmax, _}}][[All, 2, 2]]], 2, 1] /. 
       x_Real :> {xmax, x};
    lines2 = Join[Last /@ lines, xminlines, xmaxlines,
       {{lbtm, rbtm}}, {{ltop, rtop}}];

    enter image description here

    (* add vertex points *)
    xyp2 = Join[xyp, {
       {{SortBy[Cases[outers, {_, {xmin, _}}],
           Last][[-1, 1, 1]], -1}, ltop},
       {{SortBy[Cases[outers, {_, {xmax, _}}],
           Last][[-1, 1, 1]], -1}, rtop},
       {{SortBy[Cases[outers, {_, {xmin, _}}],
           Last][[1, 1, 1]], -1}, lbtm},
       {{SortBy[Cases[outers, {_, {xmax, _}}],
           Last][[1, 1, 1]], -1}, rbtm}}];
    anglecalc[u_, v_] := Mod[(ArcTan @@ u) - (ArcTan @@ v), 2 π]
    getlineangles[] := Module[{},
      (* find the angles from current line
         to all the linked lines *)
      angle = Map[
        anglecalc[{c, d} - {g, h}, # - {g, h}] &,
        union = DeleteCases[Union@Join[
            Last /@ Cases[lines2, {{g, h}, _}],
            First /@ Cases[lines2, {_, {g, h}}]],
          {c, d}]];
      Sort[Transpose[{N@angle, union}]]]
    getpolygon[pt_, dir_] := Module[{},
      p[n = 1] = {{a, b}, {c, d}} = pt;
      (* find the angles from vector (0, -1) or (0, 1)
         to all the linked lines *)
      angle = Map[anglecalc[If[dir == 1, {0, -1}, {0, 1}], # - {c, d}] &,
        union = Union@Join[
           Last /@ Cases[lines2, {{c, d}, _}],
           First /@ Cases[lines2, {_, {c, d}}]]];
      lineangles = Sort[Transpose[{N@angle, union}]];
      (* next point *)
      p[++n] = {{e, f}, {g, h}} = First@
         Cases[xyp2, {_, lineangles[[1, 2]]}];
      While[Last[p[n]] != Last[p[1]],
       lineangles = getlineangles[];
       (* reset first point *)
       {{a, b}, {c, d}} = {{e, f}, {g, h}};
       (* next point *)
       p[++n] = {{e, f}, {g, h}} = First@
          Cases[xyp2, {_, lineangles[[1, 2]]}]];
      Array[p, n]]
    len = Length[xyp];
    polygons = Join[Array[(poly[#] = getpolygon[xyp[[#]], 1]) &, len],
       Array[(poly[# + len] = getpolygon[xyp[[#]], 2]) &, len]];
    graphics = DeleteDuplicates /@ Array[Last /@ poly[#] &, 2 len];
    sortedgraphics = Sort /@ graphics;
    positions = Map[Position[sortedgraphics, #] &,
        DeleteDuplicates[sortedgraphics]][[All, 1, 1]];
    unique = poly /@ positions;
    poly2 = unique[[All, All, 2]];
    poly2 = Delete[poly2,
             Last /@ Take[xyp2, -4]]] == 4, {#}, Nothing] &,
    len2 = Length[poly2];
    poly3 = Polygon /@ Rest /@ poly2;
    Array[(centroid[#] = RegionCentroid[poly3[[#]]]) &, len2];
         poly3[[#]]} &, len2], AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio],
     Graphics[Array[Text[#, centroid[#]] &, len2]]]

    enter image description here

    unique2 = Extract[unique,
       Flatten[Position[unique[[All, All, 2]], #] & /@ poly2, 1]];
    makerelations[oneconnection_, areanumber_] := Module[{i},
      If[Intersection @@ oneconnection == {} ||
        (i = First[Intersection @@ oneconnection]) < 1,
       centroidx = First[centroid[areanumber]];
       linepos = y[i] /. x -> centroidx;
       relation = If[linepos < Last[centroid[areanumber]],
         " >= ", " < "];
       string = StringJoin["y", relation, ToString[y[i]]]]]
    findrelations[n_] := Module[{},
      areanumber = n;
      onearea = unique2[[areanumber]];
      connections = Partition[First /@ onearea, 2, 1];
      strings = DeleteDuplicates@
        Map[makerelations[#, areanumber] &, connections];
      StringJoin["Area ", ToString[areanumber],
       If[areanumber > 9, ": ", ":  "],
       StringRiffle[strings, " &&\n         "]]]
    Show[Plot[Evaluate@Array[y, 4], {x, -1, 1.5},
      PlotLegends -> "Expressions", Axes -> None],
     Graphics[Array[Text[#, centroid[#]] &, len2]]]
    Column@Array[findrelations, len2]

    enter image description here

    Area 1:  y >= 28 - 30 x &&
             y < 3 + 5 x
    Area 2:  y >= 2 + 60 x &&
             y >= 28 - 30 x &&
             y < 7 + 90 x
    Area 3:  y < 28 - 30 x &&
             y < 7 + 90 x &&
             y < 2 + 60 x &&
             y < 3 + 5 x
    Area 4:  y >= 3 + 5 x &&
             y >= 28 - 30 x &&
             y < 2 + 60 x
    Area 5:  y < 3 + 5 x &&
             y >= 2 + 60 x &&
             y < 7 + 90 x
    Area 6:  y < 28 - 30 x &&
             y >= 2 + 60 x &&
             y >= 3 + 5 x &&
             y < 7 + 90 x
    Area 7:  y < 28 - 30 x &&
             y >= 3 + 5 x &&
             y < 2 + 60 x
    Area 8:  y < 28 - 30 x &&
             y >= 7 + 90 x &&
             y >= 3 + 5 x
    Area 9:  y < 2 + 60 x &&
             y >= 7 + 90 x
    Area 10: y >= 28 - 30 x &&
             y >= 7 + 90 x
    Area 11: y < 3 + 5 x &&
             y >= 7 + 90 x &&
             y >= 2 + 60 x