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redux-form: need help in understanding syntax

I am going through the video of redux-form. I found the following code:

const renderInput = ({ input, meta, label}) =>
        <input {...input} />
        {meta.error &&

I did not understand the below segment:

    {meta.error &&

Can we use jsx inside {} ? Here <span> is used inside {}. I thought only javascript variables or expressions are used ?


  • Yes, this syntax is allowed.
    Let me quote some parts of the docs...

    Embedding Expressions in JSX

    You can embed any JavaScript expression in JSX by wrapping it in curly braces.


    JSX is an expression too

    After compilation, JSX expressions become regular JavaScript objects.


    These two sentences complete each other in regards to what is allowed within JSX.

    Because its output is simply JS, you can recursively embed JS blocks in JSX elements with other JSX elements in them and so on.
    It's perfectly fine.