I'm puzzled by the compile error for the line that defines endState
. Here is the code:
import java.util.UUID
object Evaluation {
def default: Evaluation[Unit, Unit] = new Evaluation[Unit, Unit](identity)
case class Evaluation[From, +To](evaluate: (From) => To)
object FSMLike {
val uuidEmpty: UUID = new UUID(0L, 0L)
val endState: Evaluation[Unit, FSMLike[Nothing]] = new Evaluation(() => FSMEmpty)
lazy val stop: FSMEntry[Unit, Unit, Nothing] = FSMEntry(uuidEmpty, Evaluation.default, endState)
def apply[From1, From2, To](
action: Evaluation[From1, Unit],
nextState: Evaluation[From2, FSMLike[To]]
): (UUID, FSMLike[To]) = {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID
uuid -> FSMEntry(uuid, action, nextState)
sealed trait FSMLike[+A]
case object FSMEmpty extends FSMLike[Nothing]
case class FSMEntry[From1, From2, +To](
id: UUID,
action: Evaluation[From1, Unit],
nextState: Evaluation[From2, FSMLike[To]]
) extends FSMLike[To] {
def transition(arg1: From1, arg2: From2): FSMLike[To] = {
override def toString: String = s"^$id^"
Here is the error:
Error:(14, 72) type mismatch;
found : () => FSMEmpty.type (with underlying type () => FSMEmpty.type)
required: Unit => FSMLike[Nothing]
val endState: Evaluation[Unit, FSMLike[Nothing]] = new Evaluation(() => FSMEmpty)
You are trying to pass () => FSMEmpty
, a function with no arguments, where a function with one argument of type Unit
is expected. Sure, when you use ()
as an expression, it's the only value of type Unit
, but the left-hand side of =>
isn't an expression.
You should write _ => FSMEmpty
instead. { case () => FSMEmpty }
would work as well, I think, but there isn't much point to using it.