I'm attempting a project using the Xcode (version 9.1 9B55) Master-Detail template, using one Storyboard for both iPhone and iPad.
I want to use the built in popover segue, which ideally will show a popover when the size class is appropriate, or a modal view controller when the size class is compact (iPhone in portrait).
What I am finding is that it works just fine for iPad, but when I run it on an iPhone, you can't touch outside the popover to dismiss as I would expect.
When on iPad, popoverPresentationControllerDidDismissPopover is called and all is well.
When on iPhone, the popoverPresentationControllerDidDismissPopover never gets called and you cannot dismiss the popover.
To reproduce, I did this:
Create new Master-Detail App
New - File. Cocoa Touch Class, called MyPopoverViewController
In Storyboard:
Create new view controller, change class to MyPopoverViewController.
On MasterViewController, add bar button item "Popover". Control-drag from this to MyPopoverViewController. Set segue Kind to "Present As Popover". Set Identifier to "thePopover".
In MasterViewController.h, add UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate:
@interface MasterViewController : UITableViewController <UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate>
In MasterViewController.m:
#import "MyPopoverViewController.h"
In viewDidLoad, comment out two lines which create the "Add Button".
In prepareForSegue:
} else if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"thePopover"]) {
NSLog(@"MVC prepareForSegue thePopover");
MyPopoverViewController *myPopoverController = segue.destinationViewController;
myPopoverController.popoverPresentationController.delegate = self;
Add three UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate delegate methods:
- (void) prepareForPopoverPresentation:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController {
NSLog(@"MVC prepareForPopoverPresentation");
- (void) popoverPresentationControllerDidDismissPopover:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController {
NSLog(@"MVC popoverPresentationControllerDidDismissPopover");
- (BOOL) popoverPresentationControllerShouldDismissPopover:(UIPopoverPresentationController *)popoverPresentationController {
NSLog(@"MVC popoverPresentationControllerShouldDismissPopover");
return TRUE;
I tried this also, but all it does is force popover in portrait mode (which I don't want); doesn't change the lack of popover delegate calls and doesn't allow us to dismiss popover:
-(UIModalPresentationStyle)adaptivePresentationStyleForPresentationController:(UIPresentationController *)controller {
return UIModalPresentationNone;
I'm hoping there is something simple I'm missing here. I have uploaded a sample project here, which is exactly what I've described above:
How do I allow iPhone to also dismiss popovers by touching outside the popover?
If I understand your question correctly your problem appears on iPhone 8 Plus in landscape mode.
In this situation, the presented popover actually is not a popover but a normal presented view. Visually it looks like a sheet that appears from the botton of the screen. In order to close such a view, you have to add your own button to do this.
If you want to show a real popover, you must implement:
to return UIModalPresentationNone
. Note the additional parameter traitcollection:
. UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate
contains two similar methods. In your project you already implemented the method:
Change this to the former method and everything should work.