What is the easiest way to have a server-side session variable in Flask?
Variable value:
- A simple string
- Not visible to the client (browser)
- Not persisted to a DB -- simply vanishes when the session is gone
There is a built-in Flask session, but it sends the session data to the client:
session["secret"] = "I can see you"
The data is Base64 encoded and sent in a cryptographically signed cookie, but it is still trivial to read on the client.
In many frameworks, creating a server-side session variable is a one-liner, such as:
session.secret = "You can't see this"
The Flask solutions I have found so far are pretty cumbersome and geared towards handling large chunks of data. Is there a simple lightweight solution?
I think the Flask-Session extension is what you are looking for.
Flask-Session is an extension for Flask that adds support for Server-side Session to your application.
From the linked website:
from flask import Flask, session
from flask_session import Session # new style
# from flask.ext.session import Session # old style
app = Flask(__name__)
# Check Configuration section for more details
SESSION_TYPE = 'redis'
def set():
session['key'] = 'value'
return 'ok'
def get():
return session.get('key', 'not set')