I am currently working on the navbar of a project with Django-cms.
I am fairly new to this framework and language, so sorry if this is a stupid question.
This has double dropdowns, which respond to user changes in the Django-cms admin interface.
Which works. Sort of.
The problem is that get_children doesn't work (no errors or something, just not detecting children, and showing the 'should be dropdown button' as a non dropdown version), but get_descendants does.
But if i use that the content of the second dropdown will be shown again in the first dropdown.
So get_children will be perfect, as it will only show the direct descendants, instead of all.
{% load cms_tags menu_tags sekizai_tags staticfiles%}
{% load menu_tags %}
{% for child in children %}
<!--non dropdown 1-->
{% if child.is_leaf_node %}
<li><a href="{{ child.get_absolute_url }}">{{child.get_menu_title }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<!--dropdown 1-->
{% if not child.is_leaf_node or child.ancestor %}
<div class="dropdown">
<li><a href="{{ child.get_absolute_url }}" class="dropbtn">{{child.get_menu_title }}<b class="caret"></b></a></li>
<!-- dropdown 1 content-->
{% if child.get_descendants %}
<div class="dropdown-content">
{% for kid in child.get_descendants %}
<!--non dropdown 2-->
{% if kid.is_leaf_node %}
<li><a href="{{ kid.get_absolute_url }}">{{kid.get_menu_title }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<!--dropdown 2 -->
{% if not child.is_leaf_node or child.ancestor %}
<a class="menu-has-sub">{{kid.get_menu_title }}<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a>
<!-- dropdown 2 content-->
<ul class="sub-dropdown droppeddown">
{% for baby in kid.get_descendants %}
<li><a href="{{ baby.get_absolute_url }}">{{baby.get_menu_title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
So my question is: Why can't i use children
EDIT: *Why can't i use get_children. As in the function.
No child labour here.
Nvm i fixed it!
The syntax in this case should be children instead of get_children. which is funny because of that edit above.
Anyway, here's an example:
This doesn't work:
{% for kid in child.get_children %}
This does work:
{% for kid in child.children%}
hopefully this will help anyone else having this little struggle.