I'm working with prolog and i need to handle huge numerical values (i know, prolog is not originaly designed to handle numbers). I'm using ECLiPSe 6.1 and the documentation of some built in predicates as fd_global:ordered_sum\2
Any input variables which do not already have finite bounds will be given default bounds of -10000000 to 10000000
How can i handle value greater than 10000000? (In general, not necessarily with ECLiPSe).
If you use library(ic)
, then generally variables get infinite bounds by default, when used in the basic constraints:
?- lib(ic).
Yes (0.13s cpu)
?- sum([X,Y,Z]) #= 0.
X = X{-1.0Inf .. 1.0Inf}
Y = Y{-1.0Inf .. 1.0Inf}
Z = Z{-1.0Inf .. 1.0Inf}
There is 1 delayed goal.
Yes (0.00s cpu)
However, the algorithms in some of the global constraint implementations cannot handle infinite bounds, and therefore impose the default bounds you mention:
?- ic_global:ordered_sum([X,Y,Z], 0).
X = X{-10000000 .. 0}
Y = Y{-5000000 .. 5000000}
Z = Z{0 .. 10000000}
There are 5 delayed goals.
Yes (0.06s cpu)
To avoid this, you can initialize the variables with larger finite bounds before invoking the global constraint:
?- [X,Y,Z] :: -1000000000000000..1000000000000000, ic_global:ordered_sum([X,Y,Z], 0).
X = X{-1000000000000000 .. 0}
Y = Y{-500000000000000 .. 500000000000000}
Z = Z{0 .. 1000000000000000}
There are 5 delayed goals.
Yes (0.00s cpu)