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How to build simple Linkerd namer plugin?

I'm trying to run linkerd with some custom namer plug-in but failing on startup. I've got the source code of io.l5d.fs and cut off all the business logic to get some minimalistic example with hardcoded addresses.


package com.consg
import io.buoyant.namer.NamerInitializer

class MyInitializer extends NamerInitializer {
  val configClass = classOf[MyConfig]
  override def configId = "com.consg.MyConfig"

object MyInitializer extends MyInitializer


package com.consg

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import com.twitter.finagle.{Path, Stack}
import io.buoyant.config.types.Directory
import io.buoyant.namer.NamerConfig

case class MyConfig(rootDir: Directory) extends NamerConfig {

  override def defaultPrefix: Path ="/my.namer")

  def newNamer(params: Stack.Params) = {
    println("params: " + params)
    new MyNamer(rootDir.path, prefix)



package com.consg

import java.nio.file.{Path => NioPath}

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.util._
import io.buoyant.namer.EnumeratingNamer

class MyNamer(rootDir: NioPath, prefix: Path) extends EnumeratingNamer {

  def lookup(path: Path): Activity[NameTree[Name]] = {
    println("lookup path: " + path)

    val address1 = Address("", 7777)
    val addr = Addr.Bound(Set(address1), Addr.Metadata.empty)
    val varr = Var.apply(addr)

    Activity.value(NameTree.Leaf(Name.Bound(varr, path, path)))

  override def getAllNames: Activity[Set[Path]] = {


name := "plug"
version := "1"
scalaVersion := "2.12.1"

libraryDependencies += "io.buoyant" % "linkerd-core_2.12" % "1.3.2" % "provided"

Also I exposed the "com.consg.MyInitializer" service under META-INF/services/io.buoyant.namer.NamerInitializer

Then I build the plugin jar & placed it under plugins (linkerd-1.3.1/plugins)

Now I'm trying to run linkerd with config:

- kind: com.consg.MyConfig
  rootDir: disco

- protocol: http
  dtab: /svc => /#/my.namer;
  - port: 8080

And as a result I've got:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException: Could not resolve type id 'com.consg.MyConfig' into a subtype of [simple type, class io.buoyant.namer.NamerConfig]: known type ids = [NamerConfig, io.l5d.consul, io.l5d.curator, io.l5d.dnssrv, io.l5d.fs, io.l5d.k8s, io.l5d.k8s.external, io.l5d.k8s.ns, io.l5d.marathon, io.l5d.rewrite, io.l5d.serversets, io.l5d.zkLeader]

So it looks like the plugin not loaded at all. Need some help.

code on github


  • Looks like my problem was undefined $L5D_HOME environment variable. After I've set it the plug-in was enabled.