I've found some code examples that explain how I can apply a class item if conditions are met.
In my .ts file I have the following:
private readNews : boolean = false;
ngOnInit() {
localStorage.setItem('readNews', 'Read');
if (localStorage.getItem('readNews') != null || '') {
this.readNews = true;
In my HTML I have the following inline CSS:
<i class="fal fa-cogs fa-5x"></i>
However, what I want it to be is the following:
If this.readNews === true
<i class="fal fa-cogs fa-5x blink"></i>
So it needs to add 'blink' in the CSS when the news is read (which is saved in localStorage).
try like this :
<i [ngClass]="readNews ? 'fal fa-cogs fa-5x blink': 'fal fa-cogs fa-5x'"></i>