Under the Automation Account section in Azure there seems to be two sections dedicated to authentication. Credentials and Certificates, what are the different applications here?
An Automation credential asset holds a PSCredential object which contains security credentials such as a username and password.Runbooks and DSC configurations may use cmdlets that accept a PSCredential object for authentication, or they may extract the username and password of the PSCredential object to provide to some application or service requiring authentication. The properties for a credential are stored securely in Azure Automation and can be accessed in the runbook or DSC configuration with the Get-AutomationPSCredential
An Automation Certificate assets store Certificates, so they can be accessed by runbooks or DSC configurations using the Get-AzureRmAutomationCertificate
activity for Azure Resource Manager resources. This allows you to create runbooks and DSC configurations that use certificates for authentication or adds them to Azure or third-party resources.
More information about Credential assets and Certificate assets, please refer to those links.