I'm currently trying to automate the testing of a WPF application, and have several controls where the automationID is determined at run time (currently the problem is a toggle button that has been morphed into a drop down menu, where the text of the toggle button is the selected item)
To solve this I believe I could add all the available selections as search criteria and tell the search function of TestStack.White that I wish to use the OrSearchCondition property; however, I am not able to find any documentation of how to use this feature and cannot figure it out by reading through the source code.
Additionally, I have found one relevant question to this problem on GitHub, although it remains unanswered.
Since the SearchCriteria(SearchCondition searchCondition)
constructor is marked as private I don't believe their is any means for you to create a SearchCriteria
using the OrSearchCondition
. It seems like some helper methods need to be added to SearchCriteria
for allowing the user create SearchCriteria
with OrConditions
You can work around this by using SearchCriteria.All
then using linq to iterate over all the automation elements you get back for the property you are looking for. Although I do recommend using caching if you use this approach to prevent a ton of cross process calls.