I wanna make Timeseries data with raw data
sample data is
factor date value
fac1 2011-01 10
fac1 2011-05 20
fac1 2011-07 30
fac2 2011-01 40
fac2 2011-03 50
and I wanna make below
fac1 2011-01 10
fac1 2011-02 0
fac1 2011-03 20
fac1 2011-04 0
fac1 2011-05 30
.... it goes to 2011-12
fac2 2011-01 40
fac2 2011-02 0
fac2 2011-03 50
fac2 2011-04 0
fac2 2011-05 0
... it goes to 2011-12
I wanna show this factors by month and draw graph please help me.
We create an expanded dataset the 'factor' and 'date' and then merge
with the old dataset
df2 <- merge(expand.grid(factor = unique(df1$factor),
date= format(seq(as.Date(paste0(date[1],'-01')), length.out=12,
by = '1 month'), "%Y-%m")), df1, all.x = TRUE)
and assign the NA
elements in 'value' to 0
df2$value[is.na(df2$value)] <- 0
Note: No packages used
Or a similar option with data.table
setDT(df1, key = c('factor', 'date'))
df1[CJ(factor, date=format(seq(as.Date(paste0(date[1],'-01')), length.out=12, by = '1 month'),
format = '%Y-%m'), unique = TRUE)][is.na(value), value := 0][]