I am quite new to Maya, and I'd like to make some small tests, in this case, coloring a cube by assigning each vertex a color. Reading the documentation I've come to this small code:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.polyCube(sx=2, sy=3, sz=2, h=3, name='testobj')
tot = cmds.polyEvaluate(v=True, f=False)
print "vertex count =", tot
for i in range(tot):
cmds.select('testobj.vtx[' + str(i) + ']')
v = cmds.pointPosition('testobj.pt[%d]' % i)
print v, type(v)
cmds.polyColorPerVertex('testobj.vtx[%d]'%i, colorR=1.0, colorG=0.3, colorB=0.8)
#rgb=((1.5+v[0])/3.0, 0.3, 0.8)
The code won't change any color in the scene. I've followed of course the original docs, this SO question, and this code.
I missing something really basic here, I am sure.
Any hints?
Your code work exactly like what you want .. You just need to display it :)
add this before refresh
cmds.setAttr("testobjShape.displayColors", 1)