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summarise divide two columns as percent

I'm having trouble finding what percent of Canada geese get killed during migration season using the Airplane Strikes data set.

#airline stats table
airlines <- sd4 %>% 
group_by(STATE) %>% 
filter(SPECIES == "Canada goose" & total_kills > 1) %>% 
mutate(fall_mig_kills = ifelse(SPECIES=="Canada goose" & INCIDENT_MONTH %in% c(9,10,11),total_kills,0)) %>% 
pct_mig_kills = fall_mig_kills/total_kills
) %>% 

here is where i'm getting the error: summarise( pct_mig_kills = fall_mig_kills/total_kills )

and the error is:

Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : 
Column `pct_mig_kills` must be length 1 (a summary value), not 10

not sure how i'm getting a value longer than length 1 when dividing two integer columns.

any help would be appreciated!



  • Let's read the data, document everything, and see where your error arises.

    In general, you should have a link to your original dataset or provide a shortened version to follow the reproducibility principle. I found an aircraft wildlife strikes, 1990-2015 dataset on Kaggle, which I will be using here. Note: You will need to have a Kaggle account to download the data. It may also be available at

    Read in Data

    df <- read.csv("~/../Downloads/database.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
    > df$Species.Name[grepl("Canada goose", df$Species.Name, = T)][1]
    [1] "CANADA GOOSE"
    > names(df)
     [1] "Record.ID"            "Incident.Year"        "Incident.Month"      
     [4] "Incident.Day"         "Operator.ID"          "Operator"            
     [7] "Aircraft"             "Aircraft.Type"        "Aircraft.Make"       
    [10] "Aircraft.Model"       "Aircraft.Mass"        "Engine.Make"         
    [13] "Engine.Model"         "Engines"              "Engine.Type"         
    [16] "Engine1.Position"     "Engine2.Position"     "Engine3.Position"    
    [19] "Engine4.Position"     "Airport.ID"           "Airport"             
    [22] "State"                "FAA.Region"           "Warning.Issued"      
    [25] "Flight.Phase"         "Visibility"           "Precipitation"       
    [28] "Height"               "Speed"                "Distance"            
    [31] "Species.ID"           "Species.Name"         "Species.Quantity"    
    [34] "Flight.Impact"        "Fatalities"           "Injuries"            
    [37] "Aircraft.Damage"      "Radome.Strike"        "Radome.Damage"       
    [40] "Windshield.Strike"    "Windshield.Damage"    "Nose.Strike"         
    [43] "Nose.Damage"          "Engine1.Strike"       "Engine1.Damage"      
    [46] "Engine2.Strike"       "Engine2.Damage"       "Engine3.Strike"      
    [49] "Engine3.Damage"       "Engine4.Strike"       "Engine4.Damage"      
    [52] "Engine.Ingested"      "Propeller.Strike"     "Propeller.Damage"    
    [55] "Wing.or.Rotor.Strike" "Wing.or.Rotor.Damage" "Fuselage.Strike"     
    [58] "Fuselage.Damage"      "Landing.Gear.Strike"  "Landing.Gear.Damage" 
    [61] "Tail.Strike"          "Tail.Damage"          "Lights.Strike"       
    [64] "Lights.Damage"        "Other.Strike"         "Other.Damage"        
    [67] "totalKills"

    Notice that the species name is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use grepl instead of == unless you are certain you know the name verbatim.

    There is no total_kills variable, and the Fatalities variable represents human fatalities, so I'm going to ignore that filter variable. What I did find was Species.Quantity, which is probably what you are looking for, the total number of species killed during an incident.

    > unique(df$Species.Quantity)
    [1] "1"        "2-10"     ""         "11-100"   "Over 100"

    We can convert these values to numerics for this example.

    > dictNames <- unique(df$Species.Quantity)
    > dict <- c(1, 2, 0, 11, 100)
    > names(dict) <- dictNames
    > dict['1']
    > dict['2-10']
    > df <- df %>% mutate(totalKills = dict[Species.Quantity])
    > table(df$totalKills, useNA = "always")
         1      2     11    100   <NA> 
    146563  21852   1166     46   4477 

    Great, now let's look at your code.

    Try Out Your Code and Find the Issue

    > df %>% 
    +   group_by(State) %>% 
    +   filter(Species.Name == "CANADA GOOSE" & totalKills > 1) %>% 
    +   mutate(fall_mig_kills = ifelse(Species.Name == "CANADA GOOSE" & 
    +                                    Incident.Month %in% c(9,10,11),
    +                                  totalKills,
    +                                  0)
    +          ) %>% 
    +   summarise(
    +     pct_mig_kills = fall_mig_kills/totalKills
    +   )
    Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : 
      Column `pct_mig_kills` must be length 1 (a summary value), not 19

    Hmm, let's see why that is. Reading the help menu by typing in ?summarise in the console says:

    summarise {dplyr} R Documentation Reduces multiple values down to a single value


    summarise() is typically used on grouped data created by group_by(). The output will have one row for each group.

    Okay, so the output will have one row for each group. Since you have grouped a variable, we need to sum the total kills. Furthermore, you may want to create a new variable "inSeason" which will allow you to summarise your data appropriately.

    So, to fix your issue, you simply add in sum:

    +   summarise(
    +     pct_mig_kills = sum(fall_mig_kills)/sum(totalKills)
    +   )
    # A tibble: 49 x 2
       State pct_mig_kills
       <chr>         <dbl>
     1          0.70212766
     2    AK    0.50000000
     3    AL    0.00000000
     4    AR    1.00000000
     5    CA    0.06185567

    Rewrite Your Code without Errors

    Now let's change it to read slightly easier. And you care about season, not state.

    > df %>%
    +   # inSeason = seasons we care about monitoring
    +   # totalKills has NA values, we choose to put deaths at 0
    +   mutate(inSeason = ifelse(Incident.Month %in% 9:11, "in", "out"),
    +          totalKills = ifelse(, 0, totalKills)) %>%
    +   # canadian geese only
    +   filter(grepl("canada goose", Species.Name, = T)) %>%
    +   # collect data by inSeason
    +   group_by(inSeason) %>%
    +   # sum them up
    +   summarise(totalDead = sum(totalKills)) %>%
    +   # add a ratio value
    +   mutate(percentDead = round(100*totalDead/sum(totalDead),0))
    # A tibble: 2 x 3
      inSeason totalDead percentDead
         <chr>     <dbl>       <dbl>
    1       in       838          34
    2      out      1620          66

    Now you have in season versus out of season, total dead, and a percentage. If you want to add in state, add that variable into your groupings.

    One other note, group_by with a summarise automatically removes the other columns, so you do not need to use select at the end.

    > df %>%
    +   mutate(inSeason = ifelse(Incident.Month %in% 9:11, "in", "out"),
    +          totalKills = ifelse(, 0, totalKills)) %>%
    +   filter(grepl("canada goose", Species.Name, = T)) %>%
    +   group_by(State, inSeason) %>%
    +   summarise(totalDead = sum(totalKills)) %>%
    +   mutate(percentDead = round(100*totalDead/sum(totalDead),0))
    # A tibble: 98 x 4
    # Groups:   State [51]
       State inSeason totalDead percentDead
       <chr>    <chr>     <dbl>       <dbl>
     1             in        52          52
     2            out        48          48
     3    AB       in         1          50
     4    AB      out         1          50
     5    AK       in        13          33
     6    AK      out        26          67
     7    AL       in         2          40
     8    AL      out         3          60
     9    AR       in         6         100
    10    CA       in        13           8