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How to make a SBT task depend on a module defined in the same SBT project?

I have module A and module B in a multi-module SBT project. I want to write a resource generator task for module B that invokes code from module A. One way to do this is to pull all the code from module A under project/ but that is unfeasible as module A is massive and I would like to keep it where it is (see How do I do this in SBT?

Secondly, is it possible to get rid of module B altogether i.e. I want the resource generator task for module A actually invoke code from module A but module A is a root module and does not live in SBT's project?

Note: This question is not a duplicate of this: Defining sbt task that invokes method from project code? since that one resolves to moving the code into SBT's project which is specifically something I am seeking to avoid here.


  • Based on @0__ answer above, here is my simplified version:

        * Util to run the main of a sub-module from within SBT
        * @param cmd The cmd to run with the main class with args (if any)
        * @param module The sub-module
      def runModuleMain(cmd: String, module: Reference) = Def.task {
        val log = streams.value.log"Running $cmd ...")
        val classPath = (fullClasspath in Runtime in module).value.files
        val opt = ForkOptions(bootJars = classPath, outputStrategy = Some(LoggedOutput(log)))
        val res = Fork.scala(config = opt, arguments = cmd.split(' '))
        require(res == 0, s"$cmd exited with code $res")

    You can then invoke it as:

    resourceGenerators in Compile += Def.taskDyn {
      val dest = (resourceManaged in Compile).value
        cmd = " $dest $arg2 $arg3 ...",
        module = $referenceToModule // submodule containing

    There is one more way to do this:

    resourceGenerators in Compile += Def.taskDyn {
      val dest = (resourceManaged in Compile).value
      Def.task {
        val cmd = " $dest $arg2 $arg3 ..."        
        (runMain in Compile).toTask(" " + $cmd).value 