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Use cases for RxJava?

Can anyone tell me what are the use cases for RxJava in Android?

I have gone through a couple of tutorials they all provide explanations about how it works but nobody has provided what are use cases of RxJava in Android.

So Where & in which components can I use RxJava in Android ?


  • Can anyone tell me what are the use cases for RxJava in Android?

    First and foremost, many places where you have a background thread in Android, you can use RxJava to replace the thread (or AsyncTask or whatever). This includes:

    • Disk I/O
    • Network I/O
    • ContentResolver requests of content and document providers
    • Database access
    • And so on

    Secondarily, you may be able to manage other incoming sources of data as event streams via RxJava, such as input events (see RxBinding).

    in which components can I use RxJava in Android ?

    Few ContentProvider implementations will use RxJava, as they expose a synchronous API. Few BroadcastReceiver instances will live long enough for RxJava to be useful. So, mostly, RxJava will be in support of activities and services, though the actual RxJava code may reside in other classes used by activities and services (e.g., view-models, presenters, repositories).