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Is it safe to do server side (python3/flask) caching of JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) from Auth0 for a minute or so?

I'm fetching the JWKS from server side. I'm wondering if it is safe to cache them for some minutes, because it seems wasteful to constantly barrage that end-point with gets.

I'm using flask and was planning on caching it by doing something simple like:

@cache.cached(timeout=60, key_prefix='auth0/%s')
def get_jwks():
    return requests.get("https://" + AUTH0_DOMAIN + "/.well-known/jwks.json").json()

The rest of the implementation is heavily inspired by the auth0 tutorial.

The caching mechanism comes from the library flask_caching, which says:

You are able to use this decorator with any function by changing the key_prefix


  • A JWKS is an Auth0 concept. It contains the public key set to verify the signature of the issued tokens

    At the most basic level, the JWKS is a set of keys containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JWT issued by the authorization server.

    A public key can be safely published. It only will change when a new key pair is generated. I do not know how is the process of renewing a key: manual or automatic. But you can cache it perfectly. Just ensure to download the public key after a failed verification if the reason is a bad public key