I want to create a new symbol that combines an "Latin small letter o" and the diacritic symbol for "low line."
Latin small letter o is U+006F
Diacritic low line is U+0332.
The desired result would have a line below the o. It is the opposite of "Latin capital letter O with Macron" (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/014c/index.htm) except that the line is equal to the width of the 0.
How to combine U+006F
and U+0332
for use with JSON (e.g. \u006F
and \u0332)
and for use with HTML hex
(e.g. o
and ̲)
Based on this quesion: What's the unicode glyph used to indicate combining characters?
the answer for HTML and JSON basically is the same: concatenate sans space.
HTML entities: o̲
JSON: \u006F\u0332