I want to check a boolean field, from a parent class, into a child (lines) class.
class bsi_print_order(models.Model):
_name = 'bsi.print.order'
def create(self, vals):
if vals.get('name', 'New') == 'New':
vals['name'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('bsi.print.order') or '/'
return super(bsi_print_order, self).create(vals)
name = fields.Char('Reference', required=True, index=True, copy=False, readonly='True', default='New')
date = fields.Date(string="Print Date",default=fields.Datetime.now)
production_orders = fields.Many2one('bsi.production.order', ondelete='cascade', string="Production Order")
due_date = fields.Date(string="Due Date")
journal_entry = fields.Many2one('account.move', string="Journal Entry")
stock_picking_id = fields.Many2one('stock.picking', string="Stock Picking")
order_picking = fields.One2many('bsi.print.order.lines', 'print_order', string="Order lines")
book_block = fields.Boolean(string="Book Block", default=True)
binding = fields.Boolean(string="Binding")
edging = fields.Boolean(string="Edging")
class bsi_print_order_lines(models.Model):
_name = 'bsi.print.order.lines'
print_order = fields.Many2one('bsi.print.order', string="Print Order")
isbn = fields.Many2one('product.product', string="ISBN", domain="[('is_isbn', '=', True)]")
qty = fields.Integer(string="Quantity")
consumed_qty = fields.Integer(string="Quantity consumed")
remaining_qty = fields.Float(string="Remaining quantity") #, compute="_remaining_func"
is_book_block = fields.Boolean(string="Is Book Block Done")
is_binding = fields.Boolean(string="Is Binding Done")
is_edging = fields.Boolean(string="Is Edging Done")
isbns = fields.Many2one('worksheets.isbns', string="Worksheet ISBNS")
So, when book_block
button is checked, is_book_block
should be automatically checked too, same with binding
and edging
, they should check is_binding
and is_edging
These are the methods I have:
@api.depends('book_block', 'order_picking', 'order_picking.is_book_block')
def _bool_book_block(self):
if self.book_block == True:
order_picking.is_book_block = True
order_picking.is_book_block = False
@api.depends('binding', 'order_picking', 'order_picking.is_binding')
def _bool_binding(self):
if self.binding == True:
order_picking.is_binding = True
order_picking.is_binding = False
@api.onchange('edging', 'order_picking', 'order_picking.is_edging')
def _bool_edging(self):
if self.edging == True:
order_picking.is_edging == True
order_picking.is_edging == False
But it doesn't work, I do check edging
for example, and even save the document, but no changes on the boolean fields in lines.
Any ideas?
When you use depends the field must have a compute attribute :
some_feild = fiels.SomeType(......., compute='method_name')
@api.depends('some_field_2', ...)
def method_name(self):
# and here the function will be computed.
If your field are 100% computed field, best thing in odoo that you can listen for changing in the parent class to compute the child field:
class bsi_print_order(models.Model):
_name = 'bsi.print.order'
class bsi_print_order_lines(models.Model):
_name = 'bsi.print.order.lines'
is_book_block = fields.Boolean(string="Is Book Block Done", compute="compute_book_block")
def compute_book_block(self):
# in depends it's always a good this to loop
# or use api.one with depends
for rec in self:
if rec.print_order:
self.is_book_block = self.print_order.book_block
But this is Ok only if this field is always a compute field, i mean the user will never change it's value from the UI.
If your field is not computed and the user can change the value if he want than you need to use onchange in the parent class.
class bsi_print_order(models.Model):
_name = 'bsi.print.order'
@api.onchange('book_block '):
def onchange_book_block(self):
# in onchange no need for loop
# because self should always have only one recod
for line in self.order_picking:
line.is_book_block = self.book_block