I have the following code
httpcsv2Array(event) {
var gethttpcsv =
Papa.parse('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/yadyada/pub?output=csv', {
download: true,
header: true,
dynamicTyping: true//,
complete: this.importhttpcsv
importhttpcsv(results) {
results.data.forEach(item => {
let tarr = item as bform;
it appears that importhttpcsv gets launched within the context of papa.parse beacuse I get the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'deleteAll' of undefined
I am able to use this.bformservice.deleteAll() in other functions in this same class.
I need to access functions in a different service in order to update the database. Any way around this?
Thank you
There is need of using Arrow function
to pretend correct this
complete: () => {