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Magnolia 5.5 Dialogs in Edit-Mode

Since multilanguage is not yet supported by the stories app we are trying to evaluate alternatives

Q1: When will multilanguage be integrated in the stories app?
Q2: I had the idea of rendering components as their dialogs when in edit mode of the pages app. Is that possible? How?


  • Q1: When will multilanguage be integrated in the stories app?

    According to the public Roadmap of Magnolia it is one of the next features to be implemented. So roughly in next 3-4 months ... before end of Q1/2018.

    Q2: I had the idea of rendering components as their dialogs when in edit mode of the pages app. Is that possible? How?

    You would need to rewrite GWT part of Pages app to render those dialog fields (if what you meant is rendering those fields in the page instead of having green bars for editing).
    Alternatively if you just want to have "edit" action that will open dialog showing component source (e.g. when you have component showing "contact" and you want to open contact dialog to edit contact directly), you can just reconfigure edit action (or add another action to the action bar) and have that action open another app. That's rather easy, you just need to construct and issue correct location event. Here is example of action that would open template definition for selected component from Pages app in the Configuration app.