I intend to set winmerge as my merge tool together with GitHubDesktop. Before I implement https://gist.github.com/shawndumas/6158524, out of curiosity, I tried to run git mergetool -- tool-help. I get "The following tools are valid, but not currently available." Referring to the git documentation (https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-mergetool), I understand that, at this point, no conflict resolution will happen if any after the merge. Am I correct?
You need to configure git to look for the proper tool:
git config --global merge.tool winmerge
If the application can not be automagically located, you might need to specify the exact path to the binary
git config --global mergetool.winmerge.path C:/Program\ Files/Winmerge/path/to/binary.exe
Then try again.