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WordPress: Own content after every more-tag

I want to display content everytime I'm using a more-tag in the editor. I found a solution to do this for the first more-tag with this code:

<?php if ($pos=strpos($post->post_content, '<!--more-->')): ?>
<?php $more = 0; the_content(''); ?>
<div>CONTENT HERE</div>
<?php $more = 1; the_content('', true); ?>
<?php else : the_content(); endif; ?>

Is there any way to do this for every more-tag in the content?


  • What you think about this?

    $contenido="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his id porro lucilius theophrastus. -mas- Eum labitur voluptaria te, magna veniam civibus -mas- ad mei. An per ornatus officiis quaerendum, sonet timeam ad eam, nec an vidisse discere intellegam. Iusto habemus reprimique an nec.";
        foreach($contenidoExploded as $p){
            echo $p.'</p>';   
        echo $contenido;

    It works for you?