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Trying to use soap through php returns a "Could not connect to host" error. Same wsdl file using SoapUi works fine. What am I missing?

So I have a WSDL file that I use in php to get a specific response from <soap:address location=""/>

That is defined in the wsdl file named PELVG02.wsdl. It's contents are:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<definitions name="PELVG02" targetNamespace="/PELVG02" xmlns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="/PELVG02" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsi="" xmlns:xs="">
    <!-- Micro Focus NetExpress generated WSDL document-->
      <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="/PELVG02" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="/PELVG02">
        <element name="READ">
              <element name="pel_user_code" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_user_pass" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_apost_code" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_name" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_address" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_area" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_tk" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_thl_1" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_thl_2" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_service" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_baros" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_temaxia" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_paral_sxolia" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_sur_1" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_sur_2" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_sur_3" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_poso" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_poso1" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_poso2" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_poso3" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_poso4" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_date1" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_date2" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_date3" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ant_date4" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_asf_poso" type="string"/>
              <element name="pel_ref_no" type="string"/>
        <element name="READResponse">
              <element name="st_flag" type="integer"/>
              <element name="st_title" type="string"/>
              <element name="vg_code" type="string"/>
              <element name="return_vg" type="string"/>
              <element name="epitagh_vg" type="string"/>
    <message name="READInput">
      <part element="tns:READ" name="parameters"/>
    <message name="READOutput">
      <part element="tns:READResponse" name="parameters"/>
    <portType name="PELVG02">
      <operation name="READ">
        <input message="tns:READInput"/>
        <output message="tns:READOutput"/>
    <binding name="PELVG02" type="tns:PELVG02">
      <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
      <operation name="READ">
        <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <service name="PELVG02">
      <port binding="tns:PELVG02" name="PELVG02">
          <wsi:Claim conformsTo=""/>
        <soap:address location=""/>

That file when fed into SoapUI works just fine. I can send and receive data. When I try to do the same using php I get a "Could not connect to host" error.

Here is a sample php that produces that error:

//Create the client object
    $soapclient = new SoapClient('./PELVG02.wsdl');

    //Use the functions of the client, the params of the function are in 
    //the associative array
    $pel = array('pel_user_code' => '9999999', 'pel_user_pass' => '9999999', 'pel_apost_code' => '999999999', 'pel_paral_name' => 'DOKIMI', 'pel_paral_address' => 'DOKIMI 13', 'pel_paral_area' => 'THESSALONIKI', 'pel_paral_tk' => '54646', 'pel_paral_thl_1' => '6973262626', 'pel_paral_thl_2' => '', 'pel_service' => '', 'pel_baros' => '12.50', 'pel_temaxia' => '', 'pel_paral_sxolia' => 'DOKIMI SXOLIA', 'pel_sur_1' => '', 'pel_sur_2' => '', 'pel_sur_3' => '', 'pel_ant_poso' => '', 'pel_ant_poso1' => '', 'pel_ant_poso2' => '', 'pel_ant_poso3' => '', 'pel_ant_poso4' => '', 'pel_ant_date1' => '', 'pel_ant_date2' => '', 'pel_ant_date3' => '', 'pel_ant_date4' => '', 'pel_asf_poso' => '', 'pel_ref_no' => '');

    $response = $soapclient->READ($pel);

catch(SoapFault $e)

I should receive a simple response in the $response variable that contains a mix of Numbers and letters.

Here is the response I get in the soapUI program in XML to have a a sample:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <ns0:READResponse xmlns:ns0="/PELVG02">

Could you please help me figure out why I can't get the php to work? What am I missing there?

Thanx in advance.

Edit: you can feed the following data in sourceui to get results and verify that the file PELVG02.wsdl I have pasted above works:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pel="/PELVG02">
         <pel:pel_paral_address>DOKIMI 13</pel:pel_paral_address>
         <pel:pel_paral_sxolia>DOKIMI SXOLIA</pel:pel_paral_sxolia>

Edit: I installed MAMP on my pc and it seems that the php code works through MAMP or XAMPP.

Then it hit me! The firewall... I allowed outgoing connections to tcp|out|d=9003|d=

from csf.allow and the soap function worked. I guess we can call that issue resolved :D


  • I installed MAMP on my pc and it seems that the php code works through MAMP or XAMPP.

    Then it hit me! The firewall... I allowed outgoing connections to tcp|out|d=9003|d=

    from csf.allow and the soap function worked. I guess we can call that issue resolved :D