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Random number generation guaranteeing uniqueness over time

I created a counter that goes up from 0 to 9999 until it resets again. I use the output of this counter as a value to make unique entries. However, the application needs to find its last created number each time the application is restarted. Therfore I am looking for a method which avoids any sort of object storage and relies solely on random number generation.

Something like:

int randomTimeBasedGenerator() {
    Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
    int num = r.nextInt() % 9999
    return num

But what guarantee do I have that this method generates unique numbers? And, if not, how long would it remain unique? Are there any study papers I can look into for this sort of scenario?

Random number generation would be an elegant solution for my situation, if I can at least guarantee it won't repeat within a couple of weeks or months. But random number generation would be useless in my case if no such guarantee exists.


  • You have no guarantee that the return value of a random number generator remains unique. Random number generators generate unique sequences of numbers, not unique numbers. Random numbers will always repeat themselves, sooner or later.

    As suggested by @Thilo, UUIDs are unique numbers. But an even better approach in your case might be to set up a lightweight database (sqlite will do) and add a record to a table with incremental id's. It is not possible to keep track of a process without storing values somewhere.