You can declare functions as inlines like this:
#ifdef DEBUG
void DPrintf(NSString *fmt,...);
inline void DPrintf(NSString *fmt,...) {}
so that when you're not in DEBUG, there's no cost to the function because it's optimized and inline. What if you want to have the same thing but for a class method?
My class is declared like this:
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
+ (void)DPrintf:(NSString *)format, ...;
// Other methods of this class
I want to convert 'DPrintf
' into something similar to the inline
so that there's no cost to invoking the method.
But I can't do this:
inline +(void)DPrintf:(NSString *)format, ...; {}
How can I have a zero-cost static method of a class turned off for non-debug compilations?
Be careful. Objective-C methods are not the same as C functions. An Objective-C method is translated by the compiler into the objc_msgSend()
function call; you don't have control over whether a method is inline or not because that is irrelevant. You can read more about the Objective-C runtime here (Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide), here (Objective-C Runtime Reference), and here (CocoaSamurai post), and a quick Google search should bring up more info.