I have domain.com, a.domain.com, b.domain.com, and c.domain.com to be mapped to x.azurewebsites.net a.azurewebsites.net, a.azurewebsites.net and a.azurewebsites.net
I am able to set the following
A record pointing to IP address of x.azurewebsites.net
CNAME www.domain.com pointed to x.azurewebsites.net
And update SSL, it works for https works for domain.com and www.domain.com
When I am setting up a.domain.com to a.azurewebsites.net
I cannot set A record, So I set CNAME
CNAME a.domain.com pointed to a.azurewebsites.net
How can I fix DNS configuration for this scenario?
According to your description, you have successfully mapped a subdomain (www.domain.com) with a CNAME record and a root domain (domain.com) with an A record to your one Azure Web App, and you want to configure the similar mapping for another Azure Web App. AFAIK, you could not map the same root domain to multiple hostnames or IPs, at this point, it does not know which Azure Web Apps are you trying to access. You could only map subdomains (app1.domain.com, app2.domain.com) to the related azure web apps (app1.azurewebsites.net, app2.azurewebsites.net). More details about mapping the custom DNS name to your Azure Web Apps, you could follow here.