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SQL View only returns one row

I'm trying to create a view that returns the amount of courses each Californian student is enrolled in. There are 4 CA students listed in my 'Students' table, so it should return that many rows.

create or replace view s2018_courses as 
select Students.*, COUNT(Current_Schedule.ID) EnrolledCourses
from Students, Current_Schedule
where Students.ID = Current_Schedule.ID AND state='CA';

This query, however, only returns a single row with one student's information, and the total number of courses all CA students are in (in this case 14, since each student is enrolled in 3-5 classes).

I created a view similar to this recently (in a different DB) and it worked well and executed multiple rows, so I'm not sure what is going wrong? Sorry if this is a confusing question, I'm new to SQL and StackOverflow!! Thank you in advance for any advice!


  • You are missing an aggregation step in your query/view:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW s2018_courses AS 
        s.ID, COUNT(cs.ID) EnrolledCourses
    FROM Students s
    INNER JOIN Current_Schedule cs
        ON s.ID = cs.ID
        state = 'CA'

    The logical problem with your current query is that you are using COUNT(*) without GROUP BY, and MySQL is interpreting this to mean that you want to take the count of the entire table. Note also that I only select ID in my query above, because this is what is being used to aggregate.