I'm currently learning how to use the rules in Notation 3 with CWM. I want to build a rule that gives the stepchilds in a family ontology. So, the stepchild is the child of someone but not the child of this someone's spouse.
@prefix ex: <http://www.smith-family.com/familyOntology.owl#> .
@prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#>.
?p1 :hasWife ?p2 .
?p2 :hasChild ?c .
: log:notIncludes {?p1 :hasChild ?c}
=> {?p1 :hasStepChild ?c}.
I don't really understand how to use notIncludes... Also, I miss the ?p1 :hasHusband ?p2 statement, but it even does not work like that.
Does anyone know how I could make it work?
You have to specify the dataset and what the negation as failure is applied to. See https://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/paper/#neg23 for reference.