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matlab: different entropy values for the same image with different data type

given an image I of type uint8 in matlab


gives me a very different result from


(e.g. 6.98 in the first case, 0.51 in the second case) why the datatype changes this value?


  • When you read an image using imread, your image is read into a uint m-by-n-by-3 array. Depending on the image format, 16 or fewer bits per color plane (red, green, blue) are used in order to store image pixels.

    uint8 (unsigned 8 bits integer) is a numeric format for integers that allows a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 255. uint16 (unsigned 16 bits integer) is a numeric format for integers that allows a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 65535. When you convert these numerical formats into double, you are basically dividing them by their maximum value:

    % Pseudocode
    uint8 val = 127;
    double val_new = val / 255.0d; % 0.49803921568627450980392156862745
    uint16 val = 42133;
    double val_new = val / 65535.0d; % 0.64290836957351033798733501182574

    The double numerical format is normally used to store very big (64 bits) floating-point values that need to ensure a high precision. This means that your uint values will be converted into 0.something values, where something represents a (variable but potentially) huge amount of digits.

    Since the Shannon Entropy (more info here) is defined as the average amount of information produced by a stochastic source of data... your result is easily explained: you are feeding the entropy function with a higher degree of information (greater amount of bytes, greater amount of digits, greater amount of information).