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Javascript Regex for TeX enclosed by $$

Regex Experts!

Considering we have the following text, I'm attempting to find a REGEX to detect all TeX expressions enclosed by two $$s.

Select the correct answer:
  a) 10 % = $$\frac{1}{10}$$.
  b) 33 % < $$\frac{1}{3}$$
  c) 2 % = $$\frac{2}{100}$$,
  d) 9 % < $$\frac{1}{9}$$
  e) 5 % = $$1+\frac{1}{5}$$
  f) 1 % = $$0.05 - \frac{1}{5}$$

So far, what I have come up is:

/^\${2}[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/ ?]*(\${2}|[\n\r]| )$/g

which, as you might have anticipated, shamefully isn't working! Here are a few issues I have: first, I am having difficulty to detect \frac or for that matter \. Although I have added \\, that still fails. Second, I am having problem with the fact that $$ could be followed by space, newline, , or . So even if I specify my expression to look for $$ at the end, that still won't catch many of cases.

I know I am not the first person who has ever attempted this so please share your thoughts or recommendations. Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Your ^\${2}[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/ ?]*(\${2}|[\n\r]| )$ pattern is too verbose. Instead of whitelisting all possible chars there can appear in betweeb double dollar symbols, you may assume there may be any char there.

    You may use


    Or - if there can be line breaks in between (which I doubt):


    See the regex demo.

    JS demo:

    var rx = /\${2}.*?\${2}/g;
    var str = "Select the correct answer:\n  a) 10 % = \$\$\\frac{1}{10}\$\$.\n  b) 33 % < $$\\frac{1}{3}$$\n  c) 2 % = $$\\frac{2}{100}$$,\n  d) 9 % < $$\\frac{1}{9}$$\n  e) 5 % = $$1+\\frac{1}{5}$$\n  f) 1 % = $$0.05 - \\frac{1}{5}$$";
    // => ["$$\\frac{1}{10}$$","$$\\frac{1}{3}$$","$$\\frac{2}{100}$$","$$\\frac{1}{9}$$","$$1+\\frac{1}{5}$$","$$0.05 - \\frac{1}{5}$$"]
    //or, to get what is inside
    var rx_extract = /\${2}(.*?)\${2}/g;
    var m, results = [];
    while (m=rx_extract.exec(str)) {
    // => ["\\frac{1}{10}","\\frac{1}{3}","\\frac{2}{100}","\\frac{1}{9}","1+\\frac{1}{5}", "0.05 - \\frac{1}{5}"]