When I load up my cmd.exe from the Windows start, I am defaulted to the command prompt, c:\Users\gameoflife directory. I am the only person and administrator of this computer. When I tried installing chocolatey, I get this error (screenshot included below).
Can someone please help me figure out what I might be missing. Thanks so much!
As per the instructions on the installation page:
The initial installation of Chocolatey, either via the Command Prompt, or PowerShell, requires an administrative shell
. Details of how you can do this can be found here:
It is possible to do a non-administrative installation of Chocolatey, and if this is something that you are looking to do, I would suggest that you read through this section of the documentation:
However, bear in mind this statement:
This option should be a last resort and is considered to be a more advanced scenario - most things you do on Windows require administrative rights, especially surrounding software management, so you are going to be limited even in packages you attempt to install.