I'm seeing a weird behaviour in the Unity container, when working with two interfaces, that both register to the same decorator. A code example will be clearer.
I have the following class hierarchy:
public interface IBaseInterface
public interface IInterface1: IBaseInterface
public interface IInterface2: IBaseInterface
public class Interface1Impl : IInterface1
public class Interface2Impl : IInterface2
public class BaseInterfaceDecorator: IInterface1,IInterface2
private readonly IBaseInterface baseInterface;
public BaseInterfaceDecorator(IBaseInterface baseInterface)
this.baseInterface = baseInterface;
public class MyClass
private readonly IInterface1 interface1;
public MyClass(IInterface1 interface1)
this.interface1 = interface1;
And this is the registration code:
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IInterface1, BaseInterfaceDecorator>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<Interface1Impl>()));
container.RegisterType<IInterface2, BaseInterfaceDecorator>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<Interface2Impl>()));
var dependency = container.Resolve<MyClass>();
When resolving MyClass I'm getting a BaseInterfaceDecorator with Interface2Impl instead of Interface1Impl. Seems strange to me. Can you explain?
It looks like the last injection instruction for a given "to" type wins. If you grab a copy of Reflector and take a look at the UnityContainer.RegisterType(Type, Type, string, LifetimeManager, InjectionMember[])
implementation, you'll see why.
IMO, this behaviour is a bug. At the very least, InjectedMembers.ConfigureInjectionFor(Type, string, InjectionMember[])
should throw an exception instead of silently replacing the previous injection configuration. However, it really ought to support what you are attempting.