I have an array that is 2D and quite large(8000x6000). There are two conditions that are been satisfied for the same array (cond1 and cond2) and i want to reconcile them, find the common indices that satisfy both conditions
ind1=find(F>0.5);ind1 stores indices that satisfy cond1
The second condition (cond2) is whether the indices satisfy a condition.
The new array newF has zero values when the new condition is not satisfied, while the value is one when the condition is satisfied.
I want to find the common indices for F and newF that satisfy both conditions. When i tried to find the ind2(r,c)
I could not reconcile the ind1 and r,c to find the common indices. Can someone help me out?
Multiply logical matrices, obtained by applying the conditions, element wise and then use find
to find common rows and column subscripts. i.e.
[r, c] = find((F>0.5) .* (newF>0));
% .* is also replaceable by &. Use whichever is faster