I am using the following gulp task to process all scss to CSS, combine these into one minified file, as well as show the file size. However, I will like to see what the file size of the minified CSS file and the map file separately. The following do not do the job.
gulp.task('styles', function () {
return gulp.src(config.css.src)
errorHandler: function (error) {
title: 'Processing all custom SCSS files to css',
subtitle: 'Failed!',
message: 'Error: <%= error.message %>',
sound: 'Frog '
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
title: 'Total file size of custom css file and the map file associated with the css file: ',
showFiles: 'true',
showTotal: 'true',
prettySize: 'true'
I would go with a different approach, instead of adding two more plugins to the pipeline (gulp-filter and gulp-if).
To start, I would change gulp-size
plugin for the gulp-filesize
, and create two tasks, one for the styles compiling, linting and sourcemaps. And another one, just for getting the filesizes of those two files you need.
const gulp = require('gulp');
// The rest of the plugins you're using here
const runSequence = require('run-sequence'); // Run sequentially tasks
const size = require('gulp-filesize'); // Change gulp-size to gulp-filesize
// Create one task that will handle both styles:compile and styles:size tasks
gulp.tasks('styles', function () {
// You will run compilation first, then check file sizes
runSequence('styles:compile', 'styles:size');
gulp.task('styles:compile', function () {
return gulp.src(config.css.src)
errorHandler: function (error) {
title: 'Processing all custom SCSS files to css',
subtitle: 'Failed!',
message: 'Error: <%= error.message %>',
sound: 'Frog '
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('styles:size', function () {
// This will output the size of both files
return gulp
.src(['path/css/yourcssfile.css', 'path/css/yourmapfile.css.map'])
Run gulp styles
and you should be getting both files' sizes, like this:
[14:12:36] Size main.css : 1234 B
[14:12:36] Size main.css.map : 1234 B
Hope this helps you :)