I'm trying to follow this guide to setting up a K8s cluster with external-dns' Azure DNS provider. The guide states that:
When your Kubernetes cluster is created by ACS, a file named
is created to store the Azure credentials for API access. Kubernetes uses this file for the Azure cloud provider.
When I create a cluster using aks (e.g. az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myK8sCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
) this file doesn't exist.
Where do the API credentials get stored when using AKS?
Essentially I'm trying to work out where to point this command:
kubectl create secret generic azure-config-file --from-
From what I can see when using AKS the /etc/kubernetes/azure.json
doesn't get created. As an alternative I followed the instructions for use with non Azure hosted sites and created a service principal (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-dns/blob/master/docs/tutorials/azure.md#optional-create-service-principal)
Creating the service principal produces some json that contains most of the detail. This can be used to manually create the azure.json file and the secret can be created from it.