I just got started with Go and need some help. I would like to upload a certain range of bytes from a file.
I already accomplished this by reading the bytes into a buffer. But this increases memory usage. Instead of reading bytes into memory, I want to stream them while uploading and have an upload progress. I did something like this in Node.js but struggle to get the puzzle pieces together for Go. The code that I have now looks like this:
func uploadChunk(id, mimeType, uploadURL, filePath string, offset, size uint) {
// open file
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
panicCheck(err, ErrorFileRead) // custom error handler
defer file.Close()
// move to the proper byte
file.Seek(int64(offset), 0)
// read byte chunk into buffer
buffer := make([]byte, size)
fileReader := bytes.NewReader(buffer)
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, uploadURL, fileReader)
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
response, err := client.Do(request)
panicCheck(err, ErrorFileRead)
defer response.Body.Close()
b, err := httputil.DumpResponse(response, true)
panicCheck(err, ErrorFileRead)
fmt.Println("response\n", string(b))
Could you guys help me to figure out how to stream and get progress for an upload?
You can use an io.LimitedReader
to wrap the file and only read the amount of data you want. The implementation returned by io.LimitReader
is an *io.LimitedReader
file.Seek(int64(offset), 0)
fileReader := io.LimitReader(file, size)
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, uploadURL, fileReader)
And for S3 you will want to ensure that you don't use chunked encoding by explicitly setting the ContentLength:
request.ContentLength = size
As for upload progress, see: Go: Tracking POST request progress