The title is a bit inaccurate. But I don't know how to be more precise. Feel free to edit it.
I have data stream. Every cycle (a few milli seconds) I get a new set of 3 floats that represent an acceleration. So basically the acceleration on the X-, Y- and Z-axis.
I have a function f(x) : R^3 -> R^3. In this case I can split f(x) into threee different functions. f(X), f(Y), f(Z). f(Z) = 0 for all Z. f(Y) = 0 for all Y. Let's say f(X) looks like the density normal derivation with my = 2 and sigma = 1, so N(2,1).
Now I want to check if the values from the data stream actually match the function f(x). Of course they won't match completely. Therefore I would like to know if the values follow a similar curve like f(x).
The question is, how do I do that mathmatically and programmatically? (Don't really need source code. Just an idea how to solve this problem)
Here are a few ideas: