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Wix React-Native-Navigation: onPress for custom component button

I have written a custom right navigation button by following the example given here. However, it seems like the onNavigatorEvent() method does not get called anymore when using a custom component. I even tried passing the onPress event as a prop to my custom component but that comes through as undefined. Is there something I am missing?

This is how I am passing the onPress prop to the function that's creating the button:

Navigation.registerComponent('DoneButton', () => DoneButton);

const DoneButton = ({text, backgroundColor, textColor, onPressAction}) => {
    var containerStyle = [{backgroundColor: backgroundColor, width: 70, height:30, justifyContent:'center', borderRadius:4, shadowColor:'black', shadowOpacity:0.2, shadowRadius:1, shadowOffset:{width:0, height:2}}];            
        <TouchableOpacity style={containerStyle} onPress={onPressAction}>
            <Text style={[{color:textColor, textAlign: 'center', fontSize:16}]}>

        rightButtons: [
              id:           'Done'
              component:    'DoneButton',
              passProps:    this._DoneButtonProps(),

    return {
        text:               'Done',
        backgroundColor:    'green',
        textColor:          'white',
        onPressAction:      this._doneAction.bind(this)



  • Since version 1.1.282 you can pass unserializable props to custom buttons, so the onPress method which you are passing should work.