I have a a few Flex Builder 3 projects (SDK 3.2/3.5) that I imported into Flash Builder 4. They run fine in debug mode (IE, Firefox, Chrome), with all the swf's and swc's appearing in the bin-debug folder. But, when I try to do an Export Release Build on the main project, I get the following error:
"One or more errors were found while trying to
build the release version. Unable to export."
There is no in errors in the Problems tab, and nothing appears in Console. Just have to hit ok and quit the process.
UPDATE: @doc_80 - I checked the log file, error caused by:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: flex2/tools/
Will look into the .project file as suggested by @doc_80
Has anyone else seen this, or know of a fix? I looked a the adobe forum, but their solution to change linked resourses didnt help at all.
Spent all day on this problem, found an answer.
It occurs if your using RSL's in any of your open projects. In my case one of the projects used by the main app was a Library project. Flex 3 SDK is missing files needed for FB4 to handle the RSL dependencies when Export Release build is invoked.
These missing files can be copied from the flex-compiler-oem.jar file in Flex 4 SDK to the same jar in the Flex 3 SDK.
I have put a step by step instructions on my blog: http://bishoponvsto.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/flash-builder-4-flex-3-sdk-export-release-build-error/