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Bluemix Cloud Foundry App with custom domain uses bluemix certificate

I have a Node JS Cloud Foundry app deployed to IBM Bluemix (IBM Cloud) and I am using my own personal domain for it. Using letsencrypt to create a certificate, I have provided Bluemix the ssl certificate for my domain which covers the DNS name of my domain, and also the subdomain www.

I have configured the DNS for my domain to use:

  • A NAME record for @ pointing to
  • C NAME record for www pointing to

The problem is when I navigate to the site shows and uses my custom certificate. But when I navigate to I see a certificate mis-match error:

This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.


  • I think that the problem is the A Name record. Let me share a link with you so that you can be up to date with the procedure to follow for custom domains.

    I think the best soultion is to create another CNAME Record for the URL pointing at the In the docs, as far as I could see, there is no mention of A record for DNS. Let me know if you solve this issue I can give you more help if needed.